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OOKA Fantasy Art Dolls Pocket Creatures Update

Progress is moving forward on the Bobble Headed Pocket Creatures.

I should have some Pocket Critters to post to Etsy and here shortly. These OOAK Fantasy Art Dolls will come in several designs. I Goblins, Brownies, and Elementals. I completed my beta test for a stone creature and brownie this past weekend.  I have 7 or so completed and started to experiment with other designs.. i did an evil little imp that is flipping the bird as well as a stone golem and a pixie/brownie. My plan is to make 20 that i will take to the Oddmall and a couple to put up here and at Etsy.

I added a couple new pictures to the gallery if you’d like to take a look at the continuation of the build.

you can see the pieces parts waiting to be put together below


The cork is used for the body and the tooth picks are used to create the arms and allow for a simple joint so you can move the arms about. You can also see the 20 gauge wire used to make the head bobble about on the cork.

Now to start my plans for a display stand for Oddmall.


Thanks for visiting.

